Tim Rose: Acknowledgements   Photo: Tim & me

For a lot of the details given in the biography of Tim Rose, I am extremely grateful to Jacques Laureys, who sent me a vast range of clippings he has gathered over the years. As well as being the person who brought Tim and Nick Cave together, he was involved in putting together a documentary film about Tim. In addition, I am grateful to Tim himself for correcting a number of errors on the original website and providing me with excellent background information, as well as a full and detailed interview. Gratitude also to Walter Ocner in New York, who spotted these web pages and told Tim about them, thus setting up a contact that led to the interview. Other sources are:

  • Music Central CD Rom (Microsoft, 1996)

  • NME Book of Rock (Star, 1973)

  • Encyclopędia of Rock 2 (Granada, 1977)

  • MC Strong's Great Rock Discography (Canongate, 1995)

  • Nick Hamlyn’s Price Guide for Record Collectors (Music Master, 1992)

  • Q Magazine #187 - (February 2002)

  • Shakenstir website

  • Ptolemaic Terrascope magazine & website

  • American Troubadours by Mark Brend (Backbeat 2001)

  • The Independent, Guardian, Times, Scotsman, Daily Telegraph (obituaries)

  • Uncut Magazine Issue 6 (November 1997)

  • YouTube for four videos

Cover of American Troubadours by Mark Brend: click to link to Amazon to buy it.

Fans of rock music are strongly recommended to obtain copies of these resources for any form of research - or even just for general interest. Particularly recommended is Mark Brend's excellent book.

Many people have written to me and have consequently added to the information on this website. I am grateful to you all. Sharing information is what the Internet is all about, so if you want to add to the various thoughts & facts given in these pages, simply drop me an e-mail. I do try to reply and I occasionally collect relevant e-mails and use them to update the website. Alternatively, you can post a blog comment.

And, of course, there are websites, other than this one, that provide information. I have, from time to time, trawled these for additional snippets. The main one to obtain more on Tim Rose and to purchase relevant items is at www.tim-rose.co.uk.


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